Happy Birthday Dad!
Wed, 31 Aug 2005 4:30 pm
Happy Birthday Dad! There is going to be a party tonight back home. Just the normal family get togethers. But these are the real fun times. Will miss this one and God knows how many more.
Spoke to Dad for really long about getting the car to
Ok, back to
Quite an ok day in college. Nothing interesting, except the yahoo conference that goes on during class hours (I hope some media guy doesn’t pull me up for this ;-)).
Sitting in the hostel after lunch! I don’t believe this. A half day! Feels like the way I used to when we got those half days in school. Its almost like a holiday though technically its not.
Just got back after getting a dressing down by the hostel Provost for missing the hostel fresher’s party. Oh man, never before have I seen 7 FMSites sitting for so long without a smile on their face. Guess we were all enjoying the air conditioned room! No, we were really serious.
Hopefully Friday should be a holiday. Thanks to student politics in DU! DU Rulezzzz! Just realized its so much easier to fill half a page on MS Word typing this blog out than doing an assignment and explaining why downsizing is good or bad. :-)
Shall get back to a little studying now.